Meeting with Leonardo Varasano

There is a Perugia on the crest of the wave. And it is the one that last year broke all the records of tourist presences from 2017 to rise, exceeding one million presences. There is a Perugia that is regaining possession of its places, sacred and profane, in which the history and actuality of the city of the Griffin lives. And there is an industrious Perugia, in which the neighbourhoods are experiencing a second great season of infrastructural expansion.

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The ‘Origins’ Seen by Young Artists on Exhibition at the Marzocco’s

The link between the world of art and design and La Marzocco has been solid for several decades. This year an important collaboration has taken place with the International School of Comics in Florence. The exhibition hosts the works created by the participants of the last Illustration Marathon, held on 25 March at the Accademia.

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Our ‘Proximity’ Publishing House

If the rise of equality of conditions, as Alexis de Tocqueville has already pointed out, was a historiographical datum and a certainty already in the nineteenth century, the great ideologies of the twentieth century died out and the second millennium passed in the new digital civilization, the state of equality is today pure globalist undifferentiation. And like any ‘undifferentiated’, it must be assigned to its rightful place: to a ‘general’ landfill.

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Casentino Creative Centre, the 3Cs stand for …

The Centre is structured as an educational environment and a training space open to people of all ages, from different backgrounds and cultures. It’s a place to develop one’s sociability and exercise one’s creativity, participating in the proposed activities and enjoying this meeting place every day.The activities are very diverse in order to satisfy all different interests and needs, both for young and elderly people with whom the centre also collaborates through an active generational exchange.

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It’s never later than midnight

We realized how earthly existence has been ‘reduced’, as if sucked up by several mouths: the all-encompassing mechanics of the profession of ‘earning one’s daily bread’, in a family ‘experience’ which is the comic and caricatured version of the ancient domestic hearth (while now there are only needs, things to do, where being for being’s sake is forgotten, where belonging fades into the provisional and contingent), a state bureaucracy that, at the time of the new global pandemic, wraps in its coils and encodes every space of individual and collective action, even the very possibility of self-determination.

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The Medici Fortress of the Girifalco

There has probably been a fortress on the hilltop overlooking Cortona since the 5th or 6th century BC, when the original Etruscan walls followed a course which roughly corresponds to the existing perimeter walls of today. However the first historical records describing a ‘strong and beautiful fortress’ date back to 1258 AD. Having been plundered and sacked several times during the wars with Arezzo it was sold to the Florentine Republic in 1411, together with the entire city of Cortona, although reconstruction work only began in 1527.

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Castellina in Chianti, events, culture and flavours

  BY GIOVANNI SALVIETTI   For the municipality of Castellina in Chianti, summer 2021 is a symbol of the great return to normal and the municipal administration, in collaboration with cultural associations, has organised a rich calendar of events that lasts until autumn. Both adults and children can take part in the fun and learning […]

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