Casentino Creative Centre, the 3Cs stand for …

The Centre is structured as an educational environment and a training space open to people of all ages, from different backgrounds and cultures. It’s a place to develop one’s sociability and exercise one’s creativity, participating in the proposed activities and enjoying this meeting place every day.The activities are very diverse in order to satisfy all different interests and needs, both for young and elderly people with whom the centre also collaborates through an active generational exchange.

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Chicco, the best pizza in town!

But let’s get to the tasting that was dedicated to us: we start with the curious, opulent, speciality of the pizzeria, that “Scarpetta” which refers to the same all-Italian custom, made with ‘Authentic Integrated Grinding Flour’ from the famous mill mentioned above .. Our ‘scarpetta’ (small shoe) is with “Pecorino fondue, nduja, crispy bacon and pepper powder” and is an extra-menu, recurring in the restaurant that follows the best of the market. Large and baroque alveolation, it seems that it opens and closes like an accordion, perfectly absorbing the ‘sauce’.

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Caterina: Hair Stylist & Beauty

Caterina tells us with sweetness and pride: “I am originally from Sicily, to be exact from Catania. I arrived in Florence when I was only two years old and, right from the start, I felt welcomed by the city. At the age of fourteen I began gaining experience at an important salon in Florence. At twenty, after six years of practice and daily commitment, I had already opened my shop! “. Her smile widens, her satisfaction is visible.

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