Experience the Middle Ages in Valfabbrica

The Palio di Valfabbrica, from 22 August to 1 September.
“Once upon a time… a center of medieval origin along the ancient road that connected Assisi to Gubbio, “In Vallis Fabricae” or better known as Valfabbrica. Here in the past there was the ancient Feast of the Holy Crucifix dedicated to medieval historical games. Since 1974 it has been known as the Autumn Festival or Palio di Valfabbrica – Giostra d’Italia where the historical re-enactment is carried out with meticulous care, articulated with facts, events and events that took place in the medieval period that gave birth to the territory of Valfabbrica”.

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Sellano, the Ancient Medieval Village in the Green Heart of Umbria

It is clear that the attraction of the moment in Umbria is the Tibetan bridge of Sellano, a brilliant idea made possible thanks to the foresight and determination of the municipal council; in this issue of Valley Life we will tell you about this jewel forged by the waters and set among rocks, woods and crystalline rivers: Sellano, with its stone villages (which comes from the local quarries) clinging to the mountains of the Umbrian Apennines.

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Cultural Hunger

God, nature, fate, have provided us with the sense of taste so that we can maintain our bodies and brain functions. Eating is certainly a fundamental pleasure but remember, it is good that food is ‘deserved’ every day, if only out of a sense of universal justice that ‘giving allows us to receive’ – and every effort brings a reward. This principle takes our lives to a higher plane, where it is our will, where it is the spirit that governs our actions – and it promotes a community cooperation, today one could say empathetic, with one’s family and clan context (what a retrograde term!).

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Poggio Paradiso, an American dream in Tuscany

While one morning at the beginning of June I am absent-mindedly going through the mass of emails on my laptop, I come across the formal and enthusiastic message from Chris Romani – who invites me to visit ‘Poggio Paradiso’, a recently renovated accommodation facility on the hilly spurs overlooking Torrita di Siena, along the road that leads to Pienza and Valdorcia: “Come to us, I would like you to see and touch the care and love that we have put into our project, to which we have completely dedicated ourselves.”

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Fieramente (Proudly) All Over The World!

Tuscany has always been a land of wines that the whole world wants to know and appreciate, productions of excellence that, if on the one hand, follow the ancient rhythms of nature, on the other enhance research and innovation – sensations and impressions unique in the world that are transformed into unforgettable experiences. Today, mere marketing is not enough: trading require fast, safe and efficient movements, capable of bringing the fine bottle to the other side of the world in the shortest time, while ensuring the unchanged perfection of its contents. Let’s listen to the advice of Fieramente Srl.

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Gaia Rialti and Menabòh: Innovation, Fashion and Responsibility for a Better Future

In a world where fashion often sacrifices its values on the altar of consumerism, a new reality emerges thanks to a young entrepreneur, Gaia Rialti, and her startup Menabòh. Her goal is not only to redefine the rules of fashion but to build a movement emphasizing awareness and offering a new approach to consumption.

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Mulinum, the Real Local Bread

Wholemeal flours from ancient grains, sourdough and a wood-fired oven: with these simple but genuine ingredients, recalling the ancient tradition, the Mulinum Buonconvento farm, last year, defeated 150 breads from 10 regions, imposing itself on the podium of the 18th edition of the Rome Award for the best breads in Italy, organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome.

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Portugal’s First Time at the Festival delle Nazioni

From 26 August to 6 September 2024, the Festival delle Nazioni, a historic and prestigious event that this year reaches its fifty-seventh edition, returns to Città di Castello. The tribute will be addressed to Portugal, which will be present at the Festival for the first time. The Portuguese Republic is the culmination of a precise project idea launched three years ago by the Festival, namely the search for the relationship, the dense cultural fabric that is intertwined between colonizing and colonized states, with a continuous reference – almost a boomerang effect – between what is rooted in the territory and what the ‘invaded’ territory returns and radiates in the long run.

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Spoleto Gioielli, connecting the stones to their destiny

Enrico Morbidoni, a native of Spoleto, embarked on his jewelry-making journey in 1974 when he enrolled to the Institute of Art in Spoleto, the renowned epicenter of gold craftsmanship. This prestigious institution is renowned for producing some of the finest jewelers, providing Enrico with an excellent foundation in the art of jewelry making.

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On the Republican Renaissance Spirit

Far from being a pedantic history lesson, this digression on the three Florentine republics that succeeded one another from 1494 (the year of the expulsion of the Medici who, fearful, conniving and rumoured in cahoots with the French of Charles VIII, were overthrown by spontaneous citizen uprisings) intends to bring to light that voluntary, popular and democratic spirit that took place after decades of Medici domination, ignited by the vehement preaching of Friar Girolamo Savonarola.

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The “Fochi di San Giovanni”

It was customary for the eve of St. John to celebrate and light bonfires of or brooms in the city, in the squares and in the countryside and on the hills around the city to celebrate the summer solstice. They were the ‘fires of rejoicing’ which, recalling their pagan origins, attributed sacredness to light. Of that ancient pagan heritage, Florence has preserved the tradition of fires, organized today by the Society of St. John the Baptist with the contribution of the CR Firenze Foundation and the collaboration of the Municipality of Florence.

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Meeting with Leonardo Varasano

There is a Perugia on the crest of the wave. And it is the one that last year broke all the records of tourist presences from 2017 to rise, exceeding one million presences. There is a Perugia that is regaining possession of its places, sacred and profane, in which the history and actuality of the city of the Griffin lives. And there is an industrious Perugia, in which the neighbourhoods are experiencing a second great season of infrastructural expansion.

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The Bella Vita in Tuscany with Team Cars

For those of us who were born in the ’70s, it is not difficult to evoke the romantic aesthetic, a decadent thread, of those times still devoted to beauty and freedom, where living the good life consisted exactly in having a precise and determined style – where even roaring engines and sports cars played their daring game. Today we know the Team Cars team that is able to give back this ‘lost’ dream to sports car lovers. Imagine what a spectacle it would be to enter the Tuscan countryside with a super car!

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Andrea Roggi, Vital Energy Manifests itself in the Ki

Recently placed, with great logistical and operational effort, as an extreme bulwark of land and sky in front of the vastness of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the monumental work of the master Andrea Roggi will be a magnetic and symbolic pole for the Tuscan coast. It is worth taking a tour of Versilia, more precisely on the pier of Forte dei Marmi, to admire the latest work by the Valdichiana artist: ‘Ki’ – which will be on display until 10 July 2024.

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