Indiana Park

An idea that comes from the foresight of Stefano Rossi and Annamaria Pinotti, great mountain experts, who in 2010 decided to take over a small structure at Prato delle Macinaie (Castel del Piano), evaluating Mount Amiata as an extremely characteristic place to set up this kind of activity. From that moment on, the growth of Indiana Park attracts thousands of adventurers from all over Italy and Europe every year.

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5 Reasons to Train in the Gym even in Summer

During the warm season, many people start doing outdoor activities, such as outdoor games, bike rides and nature walks. These activities are certainly important for both health and spirit, but they are mainly exercises that improve the cardiovascular system. Cardio activity is good for the heart and circulation, it helps burn fat and eliminate toxins, but it cannot replace the benefits of muscle training.

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4P Program and women’s training

Among the greatest benefits of attending the 4PPROGRAM course, improving posture is certainly in first place. It is incredible to think of how many incorrect positions are assumed during the day without even realizing it, if not too late with some painful signal manifested in one or more areas of the body.

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A friendly place for cycle touring  

 “The Castiglionesi Trails are about 100 kilometres of paths in the depths of nature that connect the coastal area with the Castiglionese hinterland  ̶  explains Enzo Riemma, president of the Maremma Experience Consortium  ̶  making use of bike professionals, our associates, and folk from the Associazione Albero delle Idee who have been engaged in these activities since since 2013 in collaboration with the municipal administration we believe we can make these routes more usable for cycling tourism lovers.”

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