Arnaud Goujon, a Parisian Architect in Casentino

I had the distinct feeling that this meeting with the architect Goujon could be very interesting, from a human, aesthetic and cultural point of view. I had confirmation of this when Arnaud, after the initial presentations that broke the ice, tells me without hesitation: “I want people to leave me free to think. You believe, I think!”. A must-see is his exhibition at Palazzo Giorgi, in the ancient village of Poppi: “Itinerary of an architect”, with thirty plates that tell the story of his artistic career (12-31 October 2024).

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Mulinum, the Real Local Bread

Wholemeal flours from ancient grains, sourdough and a wood-fired oven: with these simple but genuine ingredients, recalling the ancient tradition, the Mulinum Buonconvento farm, last year, defeated 150 breads from 10 regions, imposing itself on the podium of the 18th edition of the Rome Award for the best breads in Italy, organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome.

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Geothermal Energy: Steam Leads the Way

The last scientific event of the year was Geothermix, an international conference with Italian and foreign PhD students and researchers. The initiative, carried out at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Pisa and in Larderello, also saw Enel Green Power’s Director of Geothermal Energy Italy, Luca Rossini, deliver a drilling core from the hottest point measured in the European continental crust in Tuscany, to the Director of the Department Luca Pandolfi.

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Torrita di Siena, Trekking and Vinsanto Paradise

Following the growth trend of outdoor activities, which emerged during and after the pandemic and which has been confirmed and consolidated in our days, the Municipality of Torrita has seen fit to think, trace and finally promote the historical, naturalistic and food and wine routes of its territory. We talk about it with Councilor Laura Giannini who told us about the birth and growth of this multifaceted trail network, managed with the Torrita web agency ‘Torrita di Siena Living’ (

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AdF pushes the sustainability pedal

AdF pushes down the sustainability pedal and proceeds apace in its ecological transition. A new water plant for the city of Grosseto has been inaugurated: environmental sustainability, innovation and the concrete application of the principles of the circular economy are the cardinal points of an overall investment of 16 million euros here.

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Towards local ecotourism?

The Nature Reserves present in the vallys lend themselves perfectly to this purpose: “The Rognosi mountains with their ophiolites and black pine, the Alpe della Luna with its Sandstone Marl and venerable beech woods, the floodplain of the Tiber, the Alpe di Catenaia and other noteworthy areas have a series of internationally important itineraries and paths passing through them.

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