Kinèo, the Rijenera Health Gym

We met a radiant and in splendid shape Kornelia Kostadinova (for us simply Ketty) with whom we clarified the reasons why prevention, sport and well-being must coexist and contribute in order to promote a perfect physical and mental condition. Let’s start by telling you her story from the beginning, from her passion for oriental dance to today, as managerial director of the ‘Kinèo Fitness & Wellness’ centre.

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Perfect Posture: the Secrets to Proper Prevention

In our lab it is possible to carry out the baropodometric assessment of the gait: both a static and dynamic analysis, done on our baropodometric platform that identifies pressures and barycantles for a generic postural assessment. During the visit, which lasts about 30 minutes, postural problems of all kinds can be identified to be corrected with the most suitable insoles.

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Tell Me About What Is Essential

In the splendid residence of the Podere ‘La Stanghetta’, surrounded by cypresses and dotted with multiple points of colour of many essences in bloom, in this locus amoenus that is an oasis of peace, we meet Stefania Gornati and Claudio Gori who introduce us to the secrets of plant cultivation and extraction of essential oils – absolute protagonists of an interesting cosmetic line of which we speak. Let’s get to know them.

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The ‘Centro di Fisioterapia del Mugello’ Turns 20 Years Old

Each physiotherapist in the structure has its own professional specialization or personal inclination. Each of them aims to be constantly updated. For example Riccardo has recently obtained the qualification of osteopath, while Carla and Cristiana are attending the pelvic floor rehabilitation course. A heterogeneous team capable of responding to the needs of all patients, from the injured young sportsman to the elderly.

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5 Reasons to Train in the Gym even in Summer

During the warm season, many people start doing outdoor activities, such as outdoor games, bike rides and nature walks. These activities are certainly important for both health and spirit, but they are mainly exercises that improve the cardiovascular system. Cardio activity is good for the heart and circulation, it helps burn fat and eliminate toxins, but it cannot replace the benefits of muscle training.

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Ozone therapy at the Adler Hotel, looking into the future

The scientific community agrees that all pathologies and disfunctions that undermine our well-being originate from a chronic inflammatory state and/or from a lack of ‘tissue’ oxygen. Poor nutrition, stress, lack of exercise, poor breathing, habitual use of prescription medicines, are all factors that contribute to activating the processes of chronic silent inflammation and, at the same time, cause a reduced supply of oxygen to the tissues

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