There is a Perugia on the crest of the wave. And it is the one that last year broke all the records of tourist presences from 2017 to rise, exceeding one million presences. There is a Perugia that is regaining possession of its places, sacred and profane, in which the history and actuality of the city of the Griffin lives. And there is an industrious Perugia, in which the neighbourhoods are experiencing a second great season of infrastructural expansion.
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If the rise of equality of conditions, as Alexis de Tocqueville has already pointed out, was a historiographical datum and a certainty already in the nineteenth century, the great ideologies of the twentieth century died out and the second millennium passed in the new digital civilization, the state of equality is today pure globalist undifferentiation. And like any ‘undifferentiated’, it must be assigned to its rightful place: to a ‘general’ landfill.
read more >Pacifism amongst our contemporaries, more and more, has lost all rational foundation, totally detaching itself from political reality, boasting alleged ethical foundations in the conviction that war is morally wrong and that this “action of attacking and bullying and even killing” can never be justified, is extraneous to the true essence of humanity and, in fact, is against nature, materially and morally.
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