Golosità Umbre, the Taste of Genuine Food

On the old Via Eugubina that leads from Branca to Fossato di Vico, in the 60s the social dairy CAMAU (Cooperativa Agricola Montana Alta Umbria) was born, which for over forty years served the area with its local dairy products. With the advent of the 2000s, Silvia and Marcello, two brothers born and raised in the area, took over the company maintaining the company shop which, after three years, increased the offer with the sale of fruit and vegetables, fine meats, a selection of truffle sauces and Christmas gifts.

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The Fojateria of Sellano

We are at the Valico del Soglio, a crossroads at 828 meters above sea level: an old mountain road that coming from Foligno, passing through Rasiglia, leads to Sellano. It is one of those old connecting roads of our country, (it reminds me of the passage of the Furlo) that even before the advent of the highways, were frequently travelled. Along the way there was, punctually, a refreshment point for travellers…

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