By Jacopo Tonelli
A new bar in Città di Castello, an “easy” place, as Jacopo Brasanti, the young owner, likes to define it: where small restaurants meet the world of the cocktail bar, in a welcoming environment, offering new drinks and above all the legendary ‘schiacciata’.
This new restaurant, inaugurated on March 23rd, was born from the passion that Jacopo has always had for this profession having worked as a bar tender in various clubs in Città di Castello and surroundings; he has fulfilled his dream, therefore, to open this ‘corner’ all its own where he can put into practice his knowledge and experience in the sector.
“It is a job where there is always so much to do and so much to learn – says Jacopo – because the world of catering that works together with the world of bars are two realities that hardly coincide: they should go hand in hand, but it is not always so easy”. The restaurant has an internal garden, enclosed in the city walls with an underground and relaxing garden style and an external part overlooking the square in front of the Duomo together with an internal frescoed room.
The name “Angolo 41” derives both from a particular personal lucky charm of the owner, and from the fact that the location is located in the Cassero (in a corner – angolo – of the park in the heart of the city).
As for cocktails, the reference point is the great classics, to which you can make variations and a specific processing, thus managing to make them new and special: “I created – says Jacopo – a small internal laboratory where I like to do new experiments and new research to always offer something new. The peculiarity that distinguishes our cocktails is that all the preparation is entirely artisanal, nothing bought except the products themselves such as high-quality spirits or wines of which we have a great variety and therefore a good offer”.
As for the small restaurant, the highlight and characteristic that the restaurant offers is the ‘schiacciata’: the choice is not random, as it is a product that combines well with the world of the bar and adapts to every need whether it is an aperitif or a light lunch or a dinner. The menu also offers ‘carpaccio’, cutting boards, side dishes, baked potatoes in various versions and, at lunch, even first courses that can vary every day or week.
A great peculiarity is the combination of cocktails and ‘schiacciata’ (flatbread) that the same patrons, to their taste, try and experiment, thus creating the possibility of combining new flavours.
“If I had to choose three terms with which to describe the style that distinguishes my restaurant – continues Jacopo – I would use: classic, garden, underground”. Corner 41 has a décor with many pieces made of wood and objects of the country world; The staff is ‘streetwear’ and puts on baggy trousers and T-shirt. From this mix comes a sophisticated but welcoming place, in the name of simplicity that is also found in the choice of dishes and glasses with a clean and sober line.
“I combined my personal taste with what is trendy, contextualizing the classic catering to the bar environment, two worlds that work together creating a perfect synergy and harmony. Although a few months have passed since the opening of the restaurant, we have already changed the menu twice: to the traditional schiacciata, we have added particular flatbreads such as the ‘pulled pork’ or the ‘svuotafrigo’ (emptyfridge) with cheese and pepper sauce, finocchiona, dried tomatoes and salad (which I invite you to try, ed).
We also started making vegetarian versions with garlic sauce, stracciatella and salad.
To stay on the summer theme and quench readers’ thirst, ‘Angolo 41’ offers two cocktails: The “Carmelito”, a great classic, with home-made caramel vodka, lemon juice, sugar and a gluten-free vegetable thickener that creates a frothy and stylish texture, or the summer drink par excellence such as the “Cognajito”, with pear cognac liqueur, mint, lime juice, sugar syrup and soda.
The new menu is a work in progress, but if you want to enjoy a ‘linear confusion’, as Jacopo defines it, an ‘easy’ environment, a good schiacciata and a cool drink, ‘Angolo 41’ is there for you.
Info: Angolo 41 – Via della Pendinella 7, Città di Castello (Pg) / Tel 376 1516404